Designed and built from the ground up, in remote Australia.


Our work is anchored by centering community perspectives, priorities and knowledge into our evaluation design and practice. 

Together we bring communities and partners into the design so that programs are designed and evaluated based on shared measures of success.

We evaluate for impact with the aim of bringing the voice of community into policies, programs and services so these can be culturally responsive and driven by evidence on what works.

We believe, having communities involved in the design, implementation and review of programs, creates the strongest foundations for impact.


We work with community organisations to help them evaluate their impact and bring local strengths and success stories to the forefront.

The Interplay project seeks to empower community voices through meaningful, grounded work. 

If you are a community organisation and would like to better understand how we can help evaluate impact, we’d love to hear from you. 


“It has to start from the grassroots. Grassroots is the main foundation that we have in our starts with our culture first.”

Miliwanga Sandy Wurrben, Banatjarl Strongbala Wumin Grup, Katherine

To learn more about our community-led evaluations, check out our Case Studies on Yarrabah Circles of Care and Wunan Financial Resilence.

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