Bringing together stories and numbers in one shared space.


Our work is anchored by centering community perspectives, priorities and knowledge into our evaluation design and practice. 

Together we bring community and partners into the design so that programs are designed and evaluated based on shared measures of success.

We work with government organisations and communities to help evaluate programs and facilitate collaborative processes. 

We evaluate for impact with the aim of creating positive change in policies, programs and services so these can be culturally responsive and driven by evidence on what works.


We work with government sectors to help measure impact and wellbeing in Indigenous communities. 

The Interplay project seeks to empower community voices through meaningful, participatory engagement processes while also helping to bring forward evidence on what matters and what works to inform policies and programs, framed with a community lens.


“You have to come here, sit with us, spend some time, learn from us, before you make things for our benefit. It needs to come from us.”

Yolngu Leader Trevor Gurruwiwi

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